Need law enforcement reformation to welcome Society 5.0: MK

Human Rights

Constitutional Court (MK) Justice Suhartoyo assessed that Indonesia should reform law enforcement in facing the challenges presented by Society 5.0.

“The difference with conventional law enforcement is, in the Society 5.0 era, law enforcement is supported by the internet of things (IoT),” he said in the national online seminar titled “Reflections on Indonesian Law Enforcement in the Era of Society 5.0″ monitored from here, Sunday.

In the last two years, which is in line with the COVID-19 pandemic, the paradigm of life that was influenced by the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has shifted to Society 5.0, he said.

The Society 5.0 paradigm combines the Industrial Revolution 4.0 with initiatives to push development based on humanist values, he said.

“The Society 5.0 is a paradigm that is developed to respond to global challenges, such as social and economic inequality, depleting natural resources, terrorism, pandemic, uncertainty, and complexity at almost all level of life,” Suhartoyo expounded.

For that reason, Society 5.0 will develop a human-centred society by balancing economic growth to eliminate inequality and solving social problems by using a system that integrates cyberspace and physical space.

Regarding law enforcement that is more human-oriented, he opined that law enforcement reformation should be conducted in several aspects, namely betterment in the use of fair law as the basis for good decision making by state apparatus and requiring judicial institutions to maintain the principles of independence, impartiality, and freedom in making decisions.

Aside from that, he noted that Society 5.0 also requires law enforcement reformation that is related to increasing the professionalism of law enforcement officers, law enforcement that is based on the principles of justice, law enforcement that prioritizes the promotion and protection of human rights, as well as increasing public participation and supervision mechanism to be more effective.

“On the other hand, the law can also hinder the development of innovation. Therefore, the preparation of future regulations must be helpful to the innovation itself,” the justice said.

Source: Antara News