Public restraint necessary despite improvement in PPKM scores

The University of Indonesia’s Public Health Faculty epidemiologist Iwan Ariawan cautioned people to exercise self-restraint despite the government’s decision to lower the activities restriction enforcement (PPKM) rating in their region, from level 4 to level 3.

“With new COVID-19 mutations discovered, our efforts to achieve herd immunity would be tougher on account of the current vaccine efficacy. Despite COVID-19 cases declining, we should remain cautious,” Ariawan stated here, Tuesday.

The public should continue to adhere to health protocols, while the government should enhance its testing, tracing, and treatment (3T) process and vaccination efforts.

“Relaxation following the PPKM score improvement should be followed by continued adherence to health protocols, such as by requiring to register on the COVID-19 tracing application PeduliLindungi before being allowed to access public places,” Ariawan noted. He concurred with the government’s decision to upgrade the PPKM level in regions recording significant improvement in their COVID-19 indicators.

“I agree to the government’s decision on upgrading the PPKM level in regions with improved COVID-19 indicators, but the authority should remain careful and continue to observe health protocols despite the relaxation to prevent a spike in the number of positive cases,” Ariawan stated.

Ariawan reminded the authority to engage in dialog with business actors to disseminate information on the planned relaxation following the PPKM level upgrade, thereby allowing businesses to comprehend and consent to continue to enforce health protocols in their premises. He supported the authorities’ willingness to penalize businesses that failed to adhere to health protocols if violations occurred in future.

“The government can order a temporary closure of malls or businesses violating health protocols or those that become COVID-19 infection clusters,” he remarked.

Earlier, the government had declared the PPKM to be extended until August 30 and announced an improvement in the PPKM level for several areas that managed to successfully control the infection rate in their regions. Agglomerated areas of Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya are among the regions with improved PPKM rating to level 3.

Source: Antara News