“Chaithawat” points out that before amnesty, acceptance must be created.

Bangkok, “Chaithawat” points out that before amnesty, a process must be created to create acceptance first, looking at the conflict situation differently from the past. If we rush to propose an amnesty for the Section 112 case, it may not be an obstacle.

Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, leader of the opposition and Progress Party MP As a special committee to consider and study guidelines for enacting the Amnesty Act Mentioned consideration of the goals of the amnesty. that this study will be different from every previous study of reconciliation and reconciliation Due to different situations Especially the conflicts over the past 2-3 years, along with revealing the essence of the proposal for the commissioner to consider.

‘I myself have suggested that this amnesty must not be considered only about amnesty. We must look at the overall picture of creating reconciliation and creating political harmony. This political amnesty is one of them. You shouldn’t just look at this as an amnesty. and this amnesty We are in a sit
uation where the political conflict has not yet ended. Therefore, the aim should be for an amnesty to stop the escalation of conflict so that it does not cause an undesirable situation or even more violence in the future. and open the way to be able to find mutually acceptable political agreements in the future,’ Mr. Chaithawat said.

Mr. Chaithawat emphasized that creating reconciliation is not just about enacting an amnesty law. As for the process that will allow various conflicts to be understood, reduce confrontation, reduce suspicion, and create mutual agreements together. This process is important and may become a prerequisite before an amnesty can be offered. The content does not limit who the amnesty will be granted or how comprehensive it will be. Or what kind of amnesty? But there must be a process of acceptance before the amnesty can begin.

Every matter must result in an acceptance process, whether it be the matter of amnesty regarding Section 112 cases, which is an important principle that was pr
esented today at the meeting. which admits that this issue is a detail that still has different opinions Even though they agree on the main principles Some people think that the inclusion of Section 112 amnesty may become an obstacle in which no amnesty can be granted to anyone at all. Or if amnesty is not included in Section 112 cases, it may not be the answer to halt the expansion of the current conflict.

The trend may have many options. Guidelines for creating reconciliation and amnesty and then comparing the pros and cons. or amnesty in some matters, some cases where there are many different opinions Conditions may be put in place. What is the process that needs to be done to create acceptance and lead to some kind of agreement, then be able to propose this matter? to go to amnesty

Mr. Chaithawat also mentioned the case where there was a picture of “Tawan” the activist. Was sexually assaulted and sent to Thammasat Hospital After fasting for more than 9 days, many activists still use this method to deman
d justice. that right now the party cannot get involved in anything and no one was sent to look at such cases. Now let’s make it an official process. But we are concerned. Because this is a concrete matter that reflects The matter of amnesty If you think of granting amnesty and excluding some offenses, It may not be the answer in this situation. Because of the current political situation, some political cases cannot be ignored. But he understood different opinions. that if this group of people were to be amnesty And will it lead to the same situation again? I understand this concern. He therefore proposed using this committee to study and create a process that is mutually acceptable. or create a collective agreement that will lead to society in the future To be able to live together and is one of the conditions for amnesty.

Source: Thai News Agency