33.7% of West Bangka residents vaccinated against COVID-19

At least 53,197 or 33.7 percent residents of West Bangka District have received COVID-19 shots so far, the regional COVID-19 task force has reported.

“Recipients of the first vaccine dose have reached 53,197 people, and some 23,381 of them have received the second vaccine dose,” West Bangka COVID-19 spokesperson, M. Putra Kusuma, informed in Mentok on Tuesday.

The 53,197 vaccine recipients comprise 1,480 healthcare workers, 3,171 elderly people, 9,806 public servants, 31,675 members of the general public, and 7,065 teenagers in the 12-18 age group, he said.

Of the 31,675 members of the general public who have received the COVID-19 vaccine, 151 are pregnant women and 39 are vulnerable people, he added.

Meanwhile, the 23,281 residents who have received the second dose of the vaccine include 1,419 healthcare workers, 2,025 elderly people, 7,431 public servants, 12,331 general public, and 175 teenagers aged 12 to 18, he informed.

He said that the second vaccine dose has been administered to 14.8 percent of the targeted recipients.

Overall, West Bangka is targeting to inoculate a total of 157,934 residents, comprising 1,242 healthcare workers, 12,891 elderly people, 12,621 public servants, 108,578 members of the general public, and 22,602 teenagers, he added.

“We and all stakeholders are continuously attempting to hasten the vaccination process so that herd immunity can be formed as soon as possible, as intended,” Putra Kusuma said.

The effort to hasten vaccination coverage has been made in collaboration with the police force and national defense force, he added.

The number of vaccinators has also been boosted from 20 teams to up to 42 teams, he said.

“A few days ago we opened recruitment to add vaccinators from the health services unit and volunteers,” he informed.

Source: Antara News