Candidates for female MPs at the Chiang Mai Election Stadium Confident that he can work without losing to MPs

Chiang Mai, May 5 – Chiang Mai has nearly 40 candidates for female MPs, many of whom have outstanding personalities. full of confidence able to work in politics as well as men And hopes to get the opportunity to work to increase the seats of female MPs in the House of Assembly

Wipaphan Wongsawang or Nana, human rights activist Chiang Mai Candidate The Thai Sang Thai Party, with golden hair, a nose piercing, and full of tattoos of Become an unconventional personality in politics On the other hand, the society believes that the society is more open. The party accepts diversity. and measured by ability confident in doing MPs are definitely good. Like Putita Chaianan or Jean, a candidate for MP for Chiang Mai. from the Progressive Party Admittedly, being a woman on the electoral field is also seen as politically inexperienced. It’s better to be a housewife than to compete with a man. which she sees as a backward attitude Ready to prove the ability that is not lost to men, while Tassanee Buranupakorn, a former MP for Chiang Mai Many sessions from Pheu Thai have accepted very few female MPs in the House of Representatives. want more women to get into politics and would like to encourage young women who enter politics to overcome prejudice

As for the former female deputies of Chiang Mai, Mae Daeng, Kingkan Na Chiang Mai, from the Thai Sang Nation Unite Accepting that the political path for women in the past was many times more difficult. because of the values that men lead It takes patience to prove your ability to work. This election, Chiang Mai. Nearly 40 women took to the field out of a total of nearly 150 candidates, and the last election had only one vote. Only 2 female MPs from 9 districts, consistent with the proportion Fewer than 15 percent of MPs in parliament are fewer than the average female politicians in many countries. In this election, many would like to see more female representatives enter the House of Representatives. to push for legislation on women’s rights that may have been overlooked.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency