Be sure before sharing. FACTSHEET: Signs, symptoms, and treatment of retinal detachment.

What is a retinal detachment? What are the symptoms? And what is the treatment method? Here are some facts and advice from experts.

Sure Before Sharing Center, check with Professor Wutthikun Dr. Sakchai Wongsakittirak. Academic Chair Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand

Symptoms of retinal detachment

Retinal detachment is a condition in which the retina is detached from the inner wall of the eyeball. This is caused by a tear in the retina causing the vitreous fluid to flow through the tear or hole in the retina. inserted between the retinal layers and the back wall of the eye

There is also retinal detachment caused by other eye diseases, such as severe inflammation or diabetic macular degeneration. This type of macular degeneration does not have a hole in the optic nerve. Treatment must therefore focus primarily on the cause of the disease.

How to notice symptoms

1. See a black shadow as a spot or see cobwebs that suddenly appear. Or if you have seen it before, you will see more.

2. There is
a flash of lightning in the eyeball. Both while opening or closing eyes.

3. There is a shadow like a black curtain covering it. This causes vision to become blurry and eventually dark.

When such symptoms occur Even just one Patients should immediately undergo a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist. To check if there are any tears or peeling off of the retina or not. Because if you have it, you don’t receive timely treatment. Patients may develop retinal detachment so severe that they may become blind.

Interview on 27 February 2024,

fact checked by Peeraphon Anutarasothi,

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Source: Thai News Agency