Anti-graft body detains Bogor district head

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has detained eight suspects in the alleged case of bribery related to the financial report of the Bogor district government for the budget year 2021.

“The eight suspects will be detained for 20 days starting from April 27 to May 16, 2022,” KPK Chief Firli Bahuri stated during a press conference at the KPK building early on Thursday.

The suspects are identified by their initials as Bogor District Head AY, Secretary of the Bogor District government MA, Chief of the Regional Cash Sub-division at the Bogor District Financial and Asset Management Board (BPKAD) IA, and Commitment Issuing Official of the Bogor District Public Works and Public Housing Office RT.

The others are employees of the State Audit Board (BPK) Office in West Java identified by their initials as ATM, AM, HNRKA, and GGTR.

“AY is being detained at the detention house of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police,” Firli stated.

The KPK accused AY of bribing BPK auditors in order to get unqualified opinion for the financial report of the Bogor district government.

AY et al are charged with violating article 5, paragraph (1) letter a or b or article 13 of Law No. 3/1999 on corruption eradication as already amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 jo. article 55, paragraph (1) of the Penal Code.

Source: Antara News