Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has highlighted many students’ works created during real work lectures (KKN) and sought their realization.
According to the ministry, the students’ works have many creative ideas but have not been optimally used to derive benefits.
“There are many creative ideas for student innovations. Many of them are extraordinary,” acting director general of higher education research and technology at the Education Ministry, Nizam, said at a national conference here on Tuesday.
Students’ creative works are often stopped at the exhibition stage or only featured once a year in the National Education Day or Independence Day showcases, he noted.
According to him, Indonesia has more than four thousand universities and 300 thousand lecturers teaching about eight million students.
With that figure, he said, the country should be able to generate more creative ideas that are smooth and applicable, both by industry players and the community. “We want these works to be realized and run. So, they can be used by industry and the public,” Nizam added.
For encouraging and assisting students in channeling their ideas, the ministry has created a digital platform, Kedaireka, he informed.
Through the platform, students who have creative ideas can meet with investors and innovators so they can work together to meet the industry’s needs, Nizam said.
Currently, more than 25 thousand students and industry partners have joined Kedaireka, he informed.
He also said he hoped that the platform would bring committed students and industries together to accelerate pentahelix synergy, while the government helps them to develop the ideas.
“If there is an idea match between the investors, innovators, and industry, and the industry is committed to use the product, the government will help with the funding,” he said.
Source: Antara News