Central Investigation Bureau arrests national drug trafficking network


Songkhla, Central Investigation Bureau police raided and arrested two national drug networks in Saba Yoi District, Songkhla Province, after they escaped arrest warrants from the Chiang Mai Provincial Court.

Officers with full weapons raided the first target house in Thepha Subdistrict, Thepha District, Songkhla Province. The operation began at 6 a.m. while the suspect was still sleeping in the house. Officers called for the owner of the house to open the door for a long time. Finally, someone came out to open the door. Officers stormed in and arrested Mr. Isma-ae, the suspect with an arrest warrant. A search of the house found a quantity of methamphetamine pills, a drug dealing account book, a gun, and a mobile phone.

Another group of officers raided a hut without a number in Lam Phai Subdistrict, Thepha District, and arrested Mr. Ibraheng, another suspect with an arrest warrant, while he was sleeping in the hut. He cooperated and did not resist the officers. The officers then took him to search his car to
find more evidence.

Officers also searched another house in Tha Khiri Subdistrict, Saba Yoi District, which is the home of the same drug trafficking network, but did not find anything illegal.

For Mr. Isma-ae and Mr. Ibraheng, they are major drug trafficking networks in the southern border provinces. They are responsible for coordinating and ordering the buying and selling of drugs from the north to be distributed in the southern border provinces. Both suspects have arrest warrants from the Chiang Mai Provincial Court, which were issued together on June 21st for conspiracy and support of drugs.

For this operation, the Central Investigation Bureau Police, the somersault operation team of the Crime Suppression Division Police, Songkhla Marine Police, and the Office of the Narcotics Control Board Region 9 were joined.

The officers took both of them in for questioning to find links to additional drug trafficking networks in this group, which is a large network nationwide, and to investigate the financial trai
l, expanding the investigation to seize all assets related to drug trafficking.

The arrest of these two suspects, who are key suspects, is considered to be the severing of another major drug trafficking network in the southern border provinces.

Source: Thai News Agency