In awe of Takengon’s beauty: Tour de Aceh Etape I cyclist

– A Tour de Aceh Etape I cyclist from Central Java has expressed admiration for the natural beauty of Lake Lut Tawar, Takengon, Central Aceh district, Aceh.

Dani Chika, a Tour de Aceh Etape I participant, said he highly recommends the Aceh route for cyclists.

“Tour de Aceh Etape I (used) an amazing route. The location is cool and comfortable. It is very great for the event, one round of the lake is 48 km; it is recommended for the race,” he remarked in Takengon on Saturday.

Chika said this was his first time in Aceh. It was easy to adapt to the surrounding environment because of the friendliness of the citizens, so he did not find any negatives with Aceh, he added.

“So, when I first went to Aceh, the friends said that Aceh was like this and that, but after arriving, it turned out that Aceh was not what they thought. So, don’t be afraid to come to Aceh, Aceh is really beautiful,” he said.

The 48.7-km cycling event, Tour de Aceh Etape I, in Takengon, ended on Saturday. Etape II will take place in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar on Monday (May 16, 2022), with a route length of 38 km.

Meanwhile, marketing head of the Aceh Culture and Tourism Office, T. Hendra Faisal, said Tour de Aceh this year was not only a cycle racing event but also part of the promotion of sports tourism in Tanah Rencong, a nickname for Aceh.

“This event is to introduce participants to the natural beauty in Central Aceh. We saw that the participants enjoyed the race,” Faisal said.\

Source: ANTARA News

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