West Java improves quality of families through Sarling Program: BKKBN

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has said that West Java Province continues to improve the quality of families through the agency’s mobile broadcasting (Sarling) of Bangga Kencana Program.Bangga Kencana is a program developed by BKKBN regarding family development, population, and family planning.

In a statement released on Friday, BKKBN quoted Atalia Praratya Ridwan Kamil, Chair of West Java Family Welfare Development (PKK), as saying that Sarling was carried out as a tool to help improve local people’s health and welfare.

She remarked that Sarling has several routine activities, including reviewing integrated health post (posyandu) services for teenagers, the elderly, and toddlers, and alerting them regarding the month of weighing and immunization.

long with the West Java BKKBN representative, her side held exhibition activities for the Bangga Kencana Program, such as dissemination of information on Child Development Cards; communication, information, and education (KIE) regarding First 1,000 Days of Life (HPK); and Family Planning Services.

They also held demonstrations of cooking healthy menus at the Healthy Kitchen Overcoming Stunting (Dashat).

Basedn on the PKK’s observation, both toddler and elderly posyandu in West Java had been running according to plan, she said.

The community also has the awareness to register and conduct consultations at several health services, she noted.

“I am grateful that all related elements work hard for this,” Kamil stated.

Meanwhile, Head of the Central BKKBN Planning Bureau, Wahidin, stated that the Sarling Bangga Kencana Program had been integrated with the activities of the Village Movement for West Java Families (Grudug Jabar).

He said that apart from forming the Generation Planning Ambassadors (GenRe) as the main pillar of youth education, BKKBN has conducted training for the Family Assistance Team (TPK).

BKKBN also provided guidance to the Toddler Family Development group (BKB) to increase public understanding of stunting and child development, he added.

West Java is one of the provinces in Indonesia with a high number of stunting cases.

cting Head of the West Java BKKBN Dadi Roswandi also remarked that apart from toddlers, teenagers must also be taken care of as well as prospective brides and grooms.

They must keep a check on their health, including changing their lifestyle, if they are looking to plan pregnancy after getting married, he said.

“This March, all prospective brides and grooms must have an Elsimil certificate (ready for marriage and pregnancy electronic application). This is one of our efforts to avoid stunting cases,” Roswandi stated.

baca-jugaRelated news: BKKBN strengthens family data, information system through Rumah DataKuRelated news: Local food helps prevent stunting during dry season crisis: BKKBN

Source: Antara News Agency

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