Village-Owned Enterprises should not harm local businesses: Minister

The presence of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) should not harm the businesses of local residents, according to Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Minister Abdul Halim Iskandar.

“I always emphasize that the business units developed by BUMDes should not interfere with or harm the businesses run by local residents,” Iskandar stated during his visit to one of the Pertashop gas stations owned by BUMDes Sukses Makmur in Jemirahan Village, Sidoarjo District, on Friday.

BUMDes are currently being encouraged to become the agents of state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina (Persero) in various villages.

However, their presence may not disrupt the existing businesses of residents but rather boost the welfare of the community. “Furthermore, I urged all regional heads to not easily offer business permits to modern supermarkets in villages, as it will directly impact community-owned grocery stores,” the minister stated.

Meanwhile, Iskandar supports the policy implemented by the Sidoarjo district government, as it had been selective in granting business permits to supermarkets that were looking to gain a foothold in villages.

“The government of Sidoarjo District has done well, as modern markets are not allowed to open in villages and only at the city level,” he noted.

Furthermore, Iskandar informed that the Pertashop in Jemirahan Village had been running for three months with two workers. Its daily gross income reached Rp1.8 million, while its daily net income was recorded at Rp170 thousand.

The visit was a follow-up to the attempts to expedite the nation’s economic recovery at the village level conducted by the ministry along with the State-Owned Enterprises Ministry.

Source: Antara News

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