Speed ??up extinguishing Lampang forest fires after discovering more than 80 hot spots

Many provinces in the north and northeast have experienced forest fires and increased heat points. Especially in Lampang More than 80 hot spots were found. Officials continuously mobilized to extinguish them.

Forest fire situation in Lampang province Still worrisome After yesterday, the Lampang Provincial Warroom Center reported that there were 82 heat spots or hot spots in the area in 13 districts, especially the Sop Prap District area where the highest number was found at 14 spots, followed by those in the Mueang Lampang District and Mueang Lampang District. .Mae Moh has 9 points per district, causing the need to mobilize officials. Both from the Office of Conservation Area Administration No. 13, Lampang Branch, the Office of Natural Resources and Environment. Forest Fire Control Command Center (front end), Royal Forest Department, and officials from the local forest fire control unit. and the Songkhla Fire Hawk outfit who help support the mission Work together to control forest fires in the area.

lly in the area of ??Doi Phra Bat, Doi Ton, Doi Muang Kham, Huai Nam Khao and the area of ??Wat Muang Kham, Mueang District, Lampang Province, where long lines of forest fires were found. and steep paths This causes officials to use caution and perform tasks with difficulty. To control the situation so that it doesn’t spread and spread widely.

Three villagers arrested for burning forest

Ob Khan National Park officials and officers of the Chiang Mai Forest Preservation Unit 13 who worked together to extinguish forest fires. Three villagers were arrested while they were burning the forest. In the national forest reserve Mae Tha Chang and Mae Khanin forests In the Hang Dong District area Chiang Mai Province The accused confessed that Set fire to the forest in the forest area next to your own longan orchard because I fear that if there is a forest fire, it will spread into the garden. Another admitted to burning weeds and leaves to get rid of fuel. The officers took all 3 people to the Hang Dong Police Station
for investigation. to proceed with legal proceedings

Chiang Mai Province Still in the period of announcing a ban on all types of burning in open areas. Until 30 April 2024 to reduce smog problems from forest fires. and hopes to be a prototype model for other provinces in problem management But until now there are still reports of more hot spots being discovered every day.

Speed ??up extinguishing forest fires in the Phu Lan Kha mountain forest.

Forest fires in Chaiyaphum Province are starting to spread widely. From the Phu Laen Kha National Park area Spread into the Namtok Tad Ton National Park area. Officials must speed up control. for fear that it would spread into the community area Especially in the area of ??Hin Kip village. causing Tha Hin Ngom Subdistrict Administrative Organization and forest fire officers More than 100 national park officials rushed out to help extinguish the forest fire. Along with coordinating to request fire truck support from Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization a
nd nearby areas. Come join in extinguishing forest fires. It is expected that it will take 1-2 days for the forest fire to be controlled.

The cause of this forest fire Officials believe that caused by human handiwork Every year during this period is the season for collecting wild sweet vegetables. which villagers often burn the forest In order for the wild vegetables to sprout Before going out to collect sweet vegetables to sell But this year the situation is considered more severe than every year. Because hundreds of rai of forest areas have been damaged.

Source: Thai News Agency

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