Overview of public transport in 5 days, travel totals reach 12.38 million people – trips

Bangkok, “Suriya” reveals Songkran 2024 travel, public transportation overview for 5 days, total number of people traveling soars to 12.38 million people – trips. As for the total number of accidents yesterday (April 14) decreased by 16.66%, injuries decreased by 11.35%. It is expected that traffic volume on the way back today will continue to be denser. Ready to ask for cooperation from all sectors of the public to drive carefully and strictly respect traffic laws.

Mr. Suriya Juangroongruangkit Minister of Transport Revealing the overall picture of the Songkran Festival 2024 on April 15, 2024, it was found that the cumulative travel overview for 5 days (April 11-15, 2024) had a high volume of travel by domestic and international public transportation. Can adequately support people’s travel. It continues to increase at the level of 12,831,026 people-trip, an increase of 7.27% compared to the same period of 2023 by the domestic public transportation system. The rail system has the highest service use. Accoun
ting for 44.95%

As for the domestic public transportation system with the highest number of users in each region, they are: Central Region: Air (Outbound) 209,397 people-travel. Southern Region: By Road 146,783 people-trip. Northeastern Region (Isaan): Road 163,078 people-. Northern region: 85,675 people-trip by road and Eastern region: 72,007 people-trip by road, while traffic in and out of Bangkok on the 10 main highway routes had a volume of 4,861,907 vehicles, an increase of 0.78% when compared to the same period last year. Travel within Bangkok On the expressway, there were 6,989,707 vehicles, a decrease of 3.14%.

Mr. Suriya further said that in terms of accidents on April 15, 2024, it was found that there were a total of 165 accidents, a decrease of 12.69% from the same period last year and a decrease of 16.66% from April 14, 2024, with the number A total of 203 people were injured, a decrease of 6.88% from the same period last year and a decrease of 11.35% from April 14, 2024. The total number of dea
ths was 20, a decrease of 20% from the same period last year and a decrease of 31.03%. From April 14, 2024, overall, day-to-day losses continued to decrease as all agencies strictly performed their duties. To want to facilitate and the safety of the people to the utmost Including the aim to reduce accidents, injuries and deaths.

The most common cause of this happening is on the road. By vehicle if arranged in order Those with the highest number of accidents include: 1st place: motorcycles, 2nd place: 4-wheel pickup trucks, 3rd place: personal cars, 4th place: trailer trucks (more than 10 wheels), 5th place: 6-wheel trucks, 6. tricycles. The cause of the accident was Driving a vehicle without respecting traffic laws and driving faster than the legal limit. Especially in the direct area no slope Therefore, government agencies Requesting cooperation from all sectors of the public. Drive your vehicle carefully. Avoid risky behavior that may cause an accident and obey traffic laws. If the culprit is found Relevan
t agencies must immediately prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law. While the cumulative total of 5 days (11-15 April 2024) found that there were a total of 1,102 accidents, an increase of 3%, with a total of 1,221 injured persons, an increase of 4%, and 146 deaths, a decrease of 2%, the waterway network and by air there were no reports of accidents.

As for the inspection of the readiness of public buses at checkpoints, rest stops and 221 stops, 70,671 vehicles were inspected, 8 vehicles were found to be defective and 8 vehicles were ordered to be replaced. 70,671 operators were examined and no alcohol was found. or drugs. For the train, 401 workers were checked and no alcohol was found. or addictive things and inspecting the readiness of 168 ports/rafts, inspecting 4,501 boats, found defects in 12 boats, and banned and compared fines on all 12 boats, and inspected 6,497 workers, no alcohol was found. or addictive things

In addition, the Department of Rail Transport (DRT) reports that on April
11-14, 2024, there were a total of 4,720,371 people using the rail system – traveling, an increase compared to the same four-day period last year, numbering 830,981 people – travel or increase 21.37% (11-14 April 2023, number of 3,889,390 people-trip) for air travel Flight management and passenger arrival and departure processes are efficient. Including taking care of safety within the airport for passengers. Receive convenient, fast and safe service.

The airport has staff on duty to monitor through CCTV cameras 24 hours a day at the Marine Department (Marine Department) through the Water Safety Center. The water situation was reported on April 15, 2024, including the Chao Phraya River area being able to continuously drain passengers. At the same time, officials were assigned to the port. To facilitate and maintain safety for the people. and tourists

Mr. Suriya further said that for the travel of people who are gradually returning to Bangkok. Since yesterday (15 April 2024) and the traffic volume is expecte
d to be even more dense today. which he emphasized to all agencies under the Ministry Strictly control measures for convenience and safety in travelling. and prepare the public transportation system There must be enough for the amount of passengers. There must be absolutely no exploitation and overcharging of fares. And there is management to connect travel from the bus station. public buses, trains, electric trains, passenger boats efficiently On the road side, investigate the electric lighting. and traffic lights always ready for use For the safety of road users There will also be officers stationed at public service points along the route to be ready to facilitate smooth travel on the return trip. Prevent accidents

However, people can check travel information. and service channels for providing information and receiving complaints and public service points through the Transportation Safety Center, hotline 1356, 24 hours a day. We would like to thank all the officials who have worked together to provide co
nvenience. Safe to travel Allow people to travel to their destination safely both on their way out and back throughout the Songkran festival in 2024.

Source: Thai News Agency

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