No danger of tsunami after 5.7M quake in Jember: BMKG

Jember, East Java (ANTARA) – A 5.7-magnitude tectonic earthquake centered 302 kilometers southwest of Jember district, East Java, on Thursday had no potential for a tsunami, the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said.The quake was recorded at 12:22 p.m. local time. “The results of the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency’s (BMKG’s) analysis show the earthquake has parameter updates with a magnitude of 5.7,” the head of the BMKG’s Earthquake and Tsunami Center, Daryono, informed in a statement received here on Thursday. He said the epicenter of the quake was located at 10.70 degrees south latitude and 113.26 degrees east longitude, and located in the sea at a distance of 281 km to the southwest of Jember, East Java, at a depth of 10 km. “Considering the location of the epicenter and the depth of the hypocenter, the earthquake that occurred was a type of shallow earthquake due to activity in the outer rise zone,” Daryono explained. He said that based on the results of an analysis of the source mechanism, the earthquake had a normal-fault mechanism. Based on the estimated ShakeMap, the shocks produced by the quake were recorded at an intensity of II-III MMI on the Mercalli Scale (that means the vibrations were felt inside homes and were similar to those produced by a passing truck), he said. “Until now, there has been no report on the impact of the damage caused by the earthquake. The modeling results show that the earthquake has no potential for a tsunami,” he added. s of 12:40 p.m. WIB, the BMKG’s monitoring results had not shown any aftershock activity. Daryono urged residents to remain calm and not get swayed by unverified reports. People were also asked to avoid entering buildings that had cracked in the earthquake. “Please check and make sure the building where you live is earthquake resistant and has no damage due to earthquake vibrations that could endanger the stability of the building before you return to the house,” he said.

Source: Antara News Agency

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