Government unlocks business obstacles

House of Representatives, The government unlocks obstacles for the business sector through the draft of the Act to facilitate the issuance of licenses, issuing Super Licenses, several transit licenses.

Mr. Chai Watcharong, spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office, revealed that the Cabinet meeting Approve the draft principles of the Act on Facilitation of Consideration of Licensing and Provision of Services to the Public, B.E. … to become a central law. Helps solve the problem of unclearness and various inconveniences. of licensing After the original law had been in effect for more than 8 years, the Public Sector Development Commission has revised it. Solve problems in law enforcement Eliminate obstacles and problems Supports the government’s policy of Ease of Doing Business, facilitating the business sector both domestically and abroad.

By requiring a main license system (Super License) when people receive a license that is the main license for a business meeting. Let the business be carried on for the
time being. Without having to wait for 3-4 other licenses for the agency to gradually approve in accordance with the main license. Because it is considered permitted by other related laws as well. and establish a central electronic request center and set to review the law In granting permission every 5 years, the grantor is required. Arrange a special express channel (Fast Track) by collecting a special fee from using the service of said channel.

The Public Sector Development Commission has prepared a plan for preparing secondary laws, time frames, and essential frameworks for secondary laws issued under the draft Act, totaling 7 bills, by issuing the P.O. 4 R.R.s and 3 ministerial regulations were issued to be submitted to the Royal Decree for draft examination and to include proposals and observations of all relevant departments. Propose a government whip To present to the House for consideration of the draft law in the next step.

Source: Thai News Agency