DPD Speaker underlines importance of village development

Speaker of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, has asserted the importance of village development for realizing equitable development, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As the regional representative, DPD is committed to supporting various programs related to the development and the empowerment of villages,” LaNyala said while attending the MoU signing and the unveiling of the Golden Village Program in MS Town Beach, Pesawaran district, Lampung on Saturday..

This is in order to make village residents prosper, especially amid COVID-19, when unity is needed, starting from the village as Indonesia’s most fundamental and smallest government unit, he added.

He opined that the birth of the Law No. 6 of 2014 regarding villages has provided a new perspective and concept of village development.

The village is no longer an object whose life is dependent on stimulus from the central government, rather, it is now the subject of development, he explained.

“Our villages are now government units that could move the people’s socio-economic lives. This role is known as develop village and village develop,” LaNyala elaborated.

He added that Indonesia has a vast territory and large population, much like China.

However, China is better than Indonesia in every sector, which is why Indonesia has to learn from that country, he remarked.

“Indonesia needs new strategies and approaches in order to make the people prosper much like what China has done,” he asserted.

LaNyala i pointed out that one strategy that could be used is massive job generation by developing villages through farming.

“Because the farming sector does not need a high skill requirement for its human resources,” he added.

Source: Antara News

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