Interreligious house is ready to be launched ahead of the 729th anniversary of Surabaya City, East Java, on May 31, 2022, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi stated in Surabaya on Monday.
Cahyadi noted that establishment of the interfaith house is an effort to maintain tolerance between religious communities in the city of Surabaya.
“This will be the most beautiful gift for the entire community of Surabaya City,” he remarked.
According to Cahyadi, Surabaya should be a safe and comfortable city for all religious people in Indonesia.
Hence, he called for help from religious communities in Surabaya in the establishment of the interfaith house. The house is planned to rope in youth, who will play a crucial role in building Surabaya, the City of Heroes, Cahyadi stated.
“When these young people get directives from the interfaith advisors, they will jump in to share religious and social knowledge in sub-districts, villages, and to RT (neighborhood units) / RW (hamlets),” he remarked.
With the house functioning as a place for interfaith youth gatherings, he believed that Surabaya will be able to manifest itself as a city that has tolerance for religious people.
“I want to show that Surabaya is a city of tolerance. I seek prayers, so that we can collaborate in realizing the interreligious house,” he stated.
Establishment of the interfaith house was conveyed by Cahyadi while attending a service session at the Mawar Sharon Church, Surabaya City, on Sunday (April 10).
Pastor of the Mawar Sharon Church in West Surabaya, Philip Mantofa, stated that his party supports every step of the Surabaya City Government in the city’s development, especially in maintaining religious tolerance.
“We are proud of Mr. Mayor Eri Cahyadi, who continues to strive to maintain religious harmony. Thank you, Mr. Mayor, Mawar Sharon Church is ready to support the steps of the Surabaya City Government in the process of preparing the interfaith house,” Mantofa remarked.
Source: Antara News